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New Mexico Urban Heat Maps

These maps show urban heat islands in cities and towns around New Mexico. The urban heat islands are color coded, with red being hotter areas and blue being cooler areas. These urban heat maps show surface temperatures measured using satellite infrared spectroscopy. Please contact us with any questions:


Phone: 505-827-0006

View Urban Heat Maps:

Metro New Mexico Health Region

Northeast New Mexico Health Region

Northwest New Mexico Health Region

Southeast New Mexico Health Region

Southwest New Mexico Health Region

Please use the following acknowledgement when using the urban heat maps:

Funding was provided by the NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (80NSSC21K0430). ECOSTRESS LST data were primarily prepared by Trang Vo at the University of Alabama-Huntsville in collaboration with partners from Florida State University. Maps were created by Colin Hawkinson, CSTE AEF with NM EPHT.