Pancreatic Cancer Incidence Metadata
- metadata
- idinfo
- citation
- citeinfo
- origin: New Mexico EPHTN Project Manager
- pubdate: 20230531
- title: Pancreatic Cancer Incidence
- onlink
- descript
- abstract: This dataset contains records for pancreatic cancer newly diagnosed among New Mexico residents between 1990 and 2020. The dataset was generated using information from the New Mexico Tumor Registry (NMTR), the agency designated to conduct public health surveillance for cancer in New Mexico. The NMTR is a founding member of the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program and has continuously participated in that program since 1973. Cancer surveillance in New Mexico is conducted in accordance with standards set by the SEER Program, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR), and the American College of Surgeons. The primary source of data on cancer incidence is medical records. Case finding involves a variety of medical facilities, including hospitals, physicians' offices, radiation facilities, freestanding surgical centers, and pathology laboratories. Hospital and central registry tumor registrars abstract data from patient medical records using uniform data items and codes as documented by NAACCR. Information on primary site and histology is coded according to the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition (ICD-O-3). Cancer type is defined according to SEER site recode variables, a convention that provides for standardized, consistent reporting of cancer incidence data. Assignments of census tract, NMDOH small area, and county are based on patient residence address at the time of diagnosis.
- purpose: This dataset can be used to calculate pancreatic cancer incidence measures, including case counts, crude rates, and age-adjusted rates.
- supplinf: This dataset contains information on invasive pancreatic cancers. Population data used to calculate incidence rates are annual estimates produced by the University of New Mexico Geospatial and Population Studies (GPS) Program and are considered the most accurate available for New Mexico. They are the official estimates and projections used in New Mexico state government.
- timeperd
- timeinfo
- rngdates
- begdate: 19900101
- begtime
- enddate: 20201231
- endtime
- current: Publication Date
- status
- progress: Complete
- update: Annually
- spdom
- bounding
- westbc: -109.05017700000001
- eastbc: -103.00206900000001
- northbc: 37.000292999999999
- southbc: 31.332173999999998
- keywords
- theme
- themekt: PH_PublicHealthCaseRecordType_CDC
- themekey: Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer Incidence, Case Counts, Crude Incidence Rates, Age-Adjusted Incidence Rates, ICD-O-3 C67.0 - C67.9, SEER Site Recode 29010
- themekey
- place
- placekt: FIPS 6-4 (County)
- placekey: New Mexico, NM, 35, 035, 35001 Bernalillo, 35003 Catron, 35005 Chaves, 35006 Cibola, 35007 Colfax, 35009 Curry, 35011 De Baca, 35013 Dona Ana, 35015 Eddy, 35017 Grant, 35019 Guadalupe, 35021 Harding, 35023 Hidalgo, 35025 Lea, 35027 Lincoln, 35028 Los Alamos, 35029 Luna, 35031 McKinley, 35033 Mora, 35035 Otero, 35037 Quay, 35039 Rio Arriba, 35041 Roosevelt, 35043 Sandoval, 35045 San Juan, 35047 San Miguel, 35049 Santa Fe, 35051 Sierra, 35053 Socorro, 35055 Taos, 35057 Torrance, 35059 Union, 35061 Valencia
- accconst: Restricted (secure) data refer to data presented at the county or DOH small area level that lack small cell suppression controls or data presented at the census tract level. These data have the potential to identify individual cases within a county, a DOH small area, or a census tract according to age, sex, race/ethnicity, year of diagnosis and cancer type. Restricted data will only be released to external users after the New Mexico EPHT Program and the New Mexico Tumor Registry have reviewed and authorized a duly complete authorization and request form. The request must include an Application for Release of Restricted Data along with a Data Use Agreement and, if deemed necessary, a research protocol and proof of approval by, or exemption from, an Institutional Review Board (IRB) formed and maintained in accordance with the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Code of Federal Regulations for Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR 46, revised March 8, 1983).
- useconst: 1. You may not attempt to learn the identity of any person whose cancer data is contained in the information provided. 2. You may not attempt to link nor permit others to link the data with individually identified records in another data base. 3. You may not present or publish data in which an individual can be identified. In addition, presentation or publication of small cell sizes should be avoided. 4. You may not release nor permit others to release the data in full or in part to any person.
- ptcontac
- cntinfo
- cntperp
- cntper: New Mexico EPHTN Project Manager
- cntorg: New Mexico Department of Health, Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau
- cntpos
- cntaddr
- addrtype: Physical
- address: 1190 St. Francis Drive
- city: Santa Fe
- state: NM
- postal: 87505
- country: United States of America
- cntvoice: 18888788992
- cntvoice
- cnttdd
- cntfax: 5058270013
- cntemail:
- hours: 8:00 - 5:00
- cntinst
- secinfo
- secsys: None
- secclass: None
- sechandl: None
- native: SAS Server 9.4
- dataqual
- logic: The NMTR is a member state of the NCI SEER Program, which is considered the standard for quality among cancer registries around the world. Quality control has been an integral part of the SEER program since its inception.
- complete: NMTR participates in SEER studies to evaluate the quality and completeness of the data being reported (SEER's standard for case ascertainment is 98 percent). Quality control studies are conducted every other year in even numbered calendar years. These include potentially case finding, re-abstracting/recoding, and reliability studies. The latter involve virtually all abstractors and coders in each registry coding the same 10 to 20 cases which are selected to focus on coding issues that are known to be a problem. The cases are also coded by "experts" to obtain the correct answers. In odd numbered calendar years, training is conducted for SEER registries that focuses on problems identified in the QC studies.
- lineage
- procstep
- procdesc: The 1990-2020 pancreatic cancer incidence dataset disclosed in this report were extracted from the NMTR master casefile on November 30, 2022.
- procdate: 20221130
- procstep
- procdesc: NM EPHT data queries through (NMTracking) result in query-specific data sets that are aggregated by geographic unit. These aggregated data are dynamically joined to boundary data sets for display in the NMTracking interactive map. Boundaries are for county, census tract, and small areas and are created using U.S. Census 2010 boundary data. The small areas data set consists of combined census tracts and was developed at the NM Department of Health. New Mexico small areas are 108 geographic areas across the state with population size that is just large enough to calculate rates for selected health events (e.g., asthma mortality, female breast cancer incidence). Most (95%) New Mexico small-area population sizes range from 9,000 to 30,000 persons. Some counties have multiple small areas (e.g., Bernalillo County has 34 small areas within its boundaries). In other cases, whole counties (e.g., Harding, Quay, and De Baca) are combined to create a single small area. Please, note that some data queries and displays might be available only to those with restricted-access permissions. NMTracking maps display a background with a New Mexico base map option. The background map is served from © OpenStreetMap contributors (
- procdate: 20221130
- eainfo
- overview
- eaover: The dataset disclosed in this report contains pancreatic cancer incidence records for New Mexico residents newly diagnosed between 1990 and 2020. The dataset includes information on sex, race/ethnicity, age at diagnosis (categorical), year of diagnosis, and census tract and county of residence at diagnosis.
- eadetcit: Data dictionary available at (Standards and Registry Operations / Vol II Data Standards and Dictionary).
- distinfo
- distrib
- cntinfo
- cntperp
- cntper: New Mexico EPHTN Project Manager
- cntorg: New Mexico Department of Health, Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau
- cntpos
- cntaddr
- addrtype: Physical
- address: 1190 St. Francis Drive
- city: Santa Fe
- state: NM
- postal: 87505
- country: United States of America
- cntvoice: 18888788992
- cntvoice
- cnttdd
- cntfax: 5058270013
- cntemail:
- hours: 8:00 - 5:00
- cntinst
- resdesc: cancer88_20.sas7bdat
- distliab: All efforts have been made to assure the accuracy and completeness of the data disclosed in this dataset. Neither the New Mexico EPHT program nor the New Mexico Tumor Registry make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this document, or how those are represented by those who access the information.
- custom: The dataset is available solely via on-line access to the New Mexico EPHT Public Use Portal or Secure Access Portal. To obtain restricted (secure) access to the dataset, please see the "Access Constraints" section of this report.
- metainfo
- metd: 20230531
- metc
- cntinfo
- cntperp
- cntper: New Mexico EPHTN Project Manager
- cntorg: New Mexico Department of Health, Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau
- cntpos
- cntaddr
- addrtype: Physical
- address: 1190 St. Francis Drive
- city: Santa Fe
- state: NM
- postal: 87505
- country: United States of America
- cntvoice: 18888788992
- cntvoice
- cnttdd
- cntfax: 5058270013
- cntemail:
- hours: 8:00 - 5:00
- cntinst
- metstdn: EPHTN Tracking Network Profile Version 3.2
- metac: None
- metuc: None