Annual Percentage of Days with Ozone Levels Above the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) by County Metadata
- metadata
- idinfo
- citation
- citeinfo
- origin: New Mexico EPHTN Project Manager
- pubdate: 20240102
- title: Annual Percentage of Days with Ozone Levels Above the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) by County
- onlink
- descript
- abstract: The county-level daily ozone dataset is created using data downloaded from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ( These data were originally provided to EPA by the New Mexico Environment Department Air Quality Bureau, as required under the Clean Air Act. Data are only provided for counties with monitors that pass the completeness criterion. Data completeness for each monitor was based on the availability of samples for at least 75% of the year. If data for a county do not meet this completeness test, then estimates are not provided. For counties without ozone monitors, missing values are designated as "No Monitor." Effective December 28, 2015, the daily ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) is 0.070 parts per million (ppm). Previously the 8-hour standard was set at 0.075 ppm in 2008. Prior to that, the 8-hour standard was 0.080 ppm. The dataset contains for each county with complete monitoring data: the year, county FIPS code, number of days monitored, number of days above ozone standard, and percentage of days above ozone standard. The dataset was created using guidelines provided in the CDC NCDM Recommendations (version 4.0). The indicator documentation is available from CDC's Environmental Public Health Tracking Network.
- purpose: This dataset contains calculated measures for air quality for use on the NM public portal. The dataset is intended for use on the NM EPHT portal for displays describing ozone-related air quality across NM by county with ozone monitors. The number of days in which the daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration exceeds a standard provides an indication of short-term spikes in ozone concentrations. This may provide information of how many days per year people may be exposed to unhealthy levels of ozone. These data are not intended for performing health assessments or otherwise being directly related or linked to health data.
- timeperd
- timeinfo
- rngdates
- begdate: 19990101
- begtime
- enddate: 20221231
- endtime
- current: Publication Date
- status
- progress: Complete
- update: Annually
- spdom
- bounding
- westbc: -109.05017700000001
- eastbc: -103.00206900000001
- northbc: 37.000292999999999
- southbc: 31.332173999999998
- keywords
- theme
- themekt: Exposure Type - CDC
- themekey: Air quality; Ambient air quality; Air; Ozone; Environment
- themekey
- place
- placekt: FIPS 6-4 (County)
- placekey: NM, New Mexico, 35
- accconst: None
- useconst: As general indicators of air quality over space and time, these indicators are not intended for use in performing health assessments or otherwise being directly linked (related) with health data. Acknowledgement of the EPA would be appreciated.
- ptcontac
- cntinfo
- cntperp
- cntper: New Mexico EPHTN Project Manager
- cntorg: New Mexico Department of Health, Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau
- cntpos
- cntaddr
- addrtype: Physical
- address: 1190 St. Francis Drive
- city: Santa Fe
- state: NM
- postal: 87505
- country: United States Of America
- cntvoice: 18337968773
- cntvoice
- cnttdd
- cntfax: 5058270013
- cntemail:
- hours: 8:00 - 5:00
- cntinst
- secinfo
- secsys: None
- secclass: Unclassified
- sechandl: None
- native: SAS
- dataqual
- logic: None
- complete: The air quality data used in calculating the indicators and measures are tested to ensure that they are 75% complete over the year. If data for a county do not achieve the 75% completeness test, then the estimates are not provided.
- lineage
- procstep
- procdesc: Calculate the indicators and measures.
- procdate: 20231222
- procstep
- procdesc: NM EPHT data queries through (NMTracking) result in query-specific data sets that are aggregated by geographic unit. These aggregated data are dynamically joined to boundary data sets for display in the NMTracking interactive map. Boundaries are for County and 2010 U.S. Census Tract.
Please note that some data queries and displays might be available only to those with restricted-access permissions.
Mapped results for the interactive data query include options for a background with an NM base map or shaded relief. Both background maps are served from the NM Resource Geographic Information System (NM RGIS, or other servers hosted at UNM Earth Data Analysis Center.
- procdate: 20231222
- eainfo
- overview
- eaover: Air Quality Ozone Indicators
- eadetcit: CDC Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, NCDM Recommendations Version 4.0, Air Quality.
- distinfo
- distrib
- cntinfo
- cntperp
- cntper: New Mexico EPHTN Project Manager
- cntorg: New Mexico Department of Health, Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau
- cntpos
- cntaddr
- addrtype: Physical
- address: 1190 St. Francis Drive
- city: Santa Fe
- state: NM
- postal: 87505
- country: United States Of America
- cntvoice: 18337968773
- cntvoice
- cnttdd
- cntfax: 5058270013
- cntemail:
- hours: 8:00 - 5:00
- cntinst
- resdesc: Online Data
- distliab: Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data to evaluate data set limitations, restrictions or intended use. The NMDOH shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.
- custom: None
- metainfo
- metd: 20240102
- metc
- cntinfo
- cntperp
- cntper: New Mexico EPHTN Project Manager
- cntorg: New Mexico Department of Health, Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau
- cntpos
- cntaddr
- addrtype: Physical
- address: 1190 St. Francis Drive
- city: Santa Fe
- state: NM
- postal: 87505
- country: United States Of America
- cntvoice: 18337968773
- cntvoice
- cnttdd
- cntfax: 5058270013
- cntemail:
- hours: 8:00 - 5:00
- cntinst
- metstdn: EPHTN Tracking Network Profile Version 3.2
- metac: None
- metuc: None