Lead Exposure - Children Under Age 6 Tested for Lead Exposure
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Percentage of Children Under Age 6 Tested for Lead Exposure by County, New Mexico, 2019
Why Is This Important?
Lead exposure in children can cause behavioral and learning problems, hearing loss, and at very high levels, seizures, coma, and death. Adults with elevated lead levels are most often caused by occupational exposure. High lead levels can cause high blood pressure, reproductive problems, kidney damage, hearing loss, and neurological problems.
The number and percentage of children under age 6 tested for blood lead levels
Data Sources
- New Mexico Population Estimates: University of New Mexico, Geospatial and Population Studies (GPS) Program.
(http://gps.unm.edu/) - New Mexico Department of Health
How the Measure is Calculated
Numerator: | Total number of New Mexico resident children under age 6 years tested for lead exposure in the measurement year |
Denominator: | Number of New Mexico resident children under age 6 years |
How Are We Doing?
Overall the % of children tested before age 6 has remained relatively unchanged
How Do We Compare With the U.S.?
As few states submit such data it is hard to estimate how we compare nationally
What Is Being Done?
The New Mexico Lead Poisoning Prevention Program collects blood lead level data and provides case management services to Children and Adults with elevated blood lead levels. In an effort to prevent lead poisoning and decrease elevated lead levels in exposed children, the program provides: Education, Home Visits, Lead Risk Assessment
Other Objectives
CDC Environmental Public Health Tracking, Nationally Consistent Data and Measures (EPHT NCDM)
Health Program Information
NM Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program https://www.nmhealth.org/about/erd/eheb/clppp/