Lead Exposure - Children Under Age 6 Tested for Lead Exposure with Confirmed Elevated Blood Lead Levels between 5 and 10 mcg/dL
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Percentage of Children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels between 5 and 10 mcg/dL by County, New Mexico, 2015-2019
Why Is This Important?
Environmental lead is a common toxic metal, present in all areas of the United States. Lead exposure and lead poisoning are preventable. Lead exposure can affect nearly every organ and system in the body, adversely affecting the nervous, blood, hormonal,
The number and percentage of children under age 6 tested with confirmed blood lead levels between 5 and 10 micrograms per deciliter (mcg/dL) or greater
Data Source
New Mexico Department of HealthHow the Measure is Calculated
Numerator: | Number of New Mexico resident children under age 6 years tested with a blood lead level result of 5 mcg/dL or higher, which was confirmed by a venous test or two capillary tests less than 12 weeks apart in a given year |
Denominator: | Total number of New Mexico resident children under age 6 years tested for lead exposure in the measurement year |
Other Objectives
CDC Environmental Public Health Tracking, Nationally Consistent Data and Measures (EPHT NCDM)